Lesson 1 of0
In Progress
Sosialisasi Diri dan Keluarga / Self And Family Socialization
After learning, students are expected to be able to:
- Describes the history of the origins of the family.
- Explaining Interaction Between Regions.
- Outlines the process of socialization in the family and community environment.
- Analyzing the influence of family and society on the formation of character and lifestyle.
Setelah melakukan pembelajaran, peserta didik diharapkan mampu :
- Mendeskripsikan sejarah asal-usul keluarga.
- Menjelaskan Interaksi Antar Wilayah.
- Menguraikan proses sosialisasi di lingkungan keluarga dan masyarakat.
- Menganalisa pengaruh keluarga dan masyarakat terhadap pem-bentukan karakter dan gaya hidup