Lesson 1 of0
In Progress

Keberagaman Lingkungan Sekitar / The Diversity of the Nearby Environment

After learning, students are expected to be able to :

  • Comparing the similarities and differences of environmental phenomena as geographical processes.
  • Recognizing / identifying the life of the pre-literacy period community in the socio-economic aspects.
  • Describes the process of social interaction based on the characteristics of space.
  • Comparing the similarities and differences of a location based on natural conditions and the composition of its inhabitants.
  • Analyze changes in location characteristics over time based on physical and social aspects.

Setelah melakukan pembelajaran, peserta didik diharapkan mampu : 

  • Membandingkan persamaan dan perbedaan fenomena lingkungan sekitar sebagai proses geografis.
  • Mengenal/mengidentifikasi kehidupan masyarakat masa praaksara pada aspek sosial-ekonomi.
  • Menjelaskan proses interaksi sosial berdasarkan karakteristik ruang.
  • Membandingkan persamaan dan perbedaan suatu lokasi berdasarkan kondisi alam dan komposisi penduduknya.
  • Menganalisa perubahan karakteristik lokasi dari waktu ke waktu berdasarkan aspek fisik dan sosial.