Lesson 1 of0
In Progress

Pembangunan Perekonomian Indonesia / Economic Development of Indonesia

After participating in this lesson, students are expected to be able to :

  • Compare the community’s economy in the early days of independence, the New Order, and the Reformation.
  • Explain economic cooperation between nations.
  • Analyze export-import activities in the international economy.
  • Analyzing the development of the population of Indonesia.
  • Designing the development of a technology-based creative economy.

Setelah mengikuti pembelajaran ini, peserta didik diharapkan mampu : 

  • Membandingkan perekonomian masyarakat pada masa awal kemerdekaan, Orde Baru, dan Reformasi.
  • Menjelaskan kerja sama ekonomi antarbangsa.
  • Menganalisis kegiatan ekspor impor dalam perekonomian Internasional.
  • Menganalisis perkembangan penduduk Indoneisa.
  • Merancang Pengembangan ekonomi kreatif berbasis teknologi.