Lesson 1 of0
In Progress

Kebutuhan Masyarakat / Community Needs

After following this learning. students are expected to be able to:

  • Explain the potential of natural resources.
  • Describes the factors that cause changes in the potential of natural resources.
  • Describes the life activities of the people of the Hindu-Buddhist period and the Islamic period.
  • Identifying community economy activities.
  • Analyzing the role of society in the economic chain.
  • Describes social status and role.
  • Explains social differentiation and stratification.

Setelah mengikuti pembelajaran ini. peserta didik diharapkan mampu : 

  • Menjelaskan potensi sumber daya alam.
  • Menjelaskan faktor yang menyebabkan perubahan potensi sumber daya alam.
  • Menguraikan aktivitas kehidupan masyarakat masa hindu-buddha dan masa islam.
  • mengidentifikasi kegiatan ekonimi masyarakat.
  • Menganalisis peran masyarakat dalam rantai perekononimian.
  • Menjelaskan status dan peran sosial.
  • Menjelaskan diferensiasi dan stratifikasi sosial.