Biologi / Biology
At the end of phase D, students are able to classify living things and non-living things based on the observed characteristics.
Di akhiri fase D, peserta didik mampu melakukan klafikasi mahluk hidup dan benda berdasarkan karakteristik yang diamati.
At the end of phase D, Students can describe cells as the smallest units that make up living things,
Di akhir fase D, peserta didik dapatĀ mendeskripsikan sel sebagai unit terkecil penyusun mahluk hidup,
Identify life organization system and conduct analysis to find the relationship between organ systems and their functions as well as abnormalities or disorders that appear in certain organ system (Digestive system, circulatory respiratory system and reproductive system),
Mengidentifikasi sistem organisasi kehidupan serta melakukan analisis untuk menemukan keterkaitan sistem organ dengan fungsinya serta kelainan atau gangguan yang muncul pada sistem organ tertentu (sistem pencemaran, sistem peredaran, sistem pernafasan, dan sistem reproduksi),
Identify interactions between living things and their environment, and design efforts to prevent and overcome pollution and climate change,
Mengidentifikasi interaksi antar mahluk hidup dan lingkungannya, serta dapat merancang upaya-upaya mencegah dan mengatasi pencemaran dan perubahan iklim,
Identify inheritance and the application of biotechnology in everyday life.
Mengidentifikasi pewarisan sifat dan penerapan bioteknologi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.